Marine Protected Area
Sinis Peninsula – Island of Mal di ventre

The starting point, Torregrande marina, is near to the Marine Protected Area of ​​the Sinis Peninsula – Island of Mal di ventre, and is only 3 nautical miles from the archaeological area of ​​Tharros, an area of ​​greatest attraction for yachting and for excursions, it is the ideal starting point for an excursion on the coast with a rib.

The “Sinis Peninsula – Mal di Ventre Island” Marine Protected Area was established according to Law 979 of 1982.

The establishment of the Marine Protected Area “Penisola del Sinis – Isola di Mal di Ventre” pursues the environmental protection of the area concerned and aims, among other things, to protect and enhance the natural, chemical, physical and marine and coastal biodiversity, with particular attention to Posidonia oceanica, also through environmental recovery interventions.

For this reason it is necessary that the tenant who rents our ribs is informed about the REGULATIONS of the A.M.P. and on ordinance 26/2023 of the Port Authority of Oristano ; the same also defines the mooring and anchoring areas and the permitted activities.

Below are the places and our advice for visiting the coast in the best way.

dinghy rental Marine Protected Area Sinis Peninsula - Mal di Ventre Island
dinghy anchors Marine Protected Area Sinis Peninsula - Mal di Ventre Island

Peninsula a del Sinis East side


It is possible to stop either in the area in front of the ruins of Tharros, or in the area in front of la caletta pier and the villas.

The stop is recommended with sea and wind from the NORTH-WEST and not recommended with sea and wind from the SOUTH-EASTERN quadrants.

Seabed: poseidonia

Navigation hazards: none

Dinghy anchors Sinis Peninsula east side
dinghy rental Sinis Peninsula East side

San Giovanni and Penisola del Sinis west side

ANCHORING AREAS ( FORBIDDEN to anchor on Posidonia)

It is possible to drop anchor in front of the Sinis Peninsula and in front of San Giovanni di Sinis.

Stopping in the area (17-26) is recommended with sea and winds from EASTERN quadrants while the area (27-38) is recommended with sea and NORTH-NORTHWESTERN winds.

Seabed: sandy

Navigation hazards: none

dinghy anchorages San Giovanni and Sinis Peninsula west side
dinghy rental San Giovanni and Sinis Peninsula west side

Saevo Tower


The AREA (10-13) is recommended with sea and winds FROM NORTH-WEST to EAST.

It is not recommended with sea and southern winds.

SEABED: rocks and seaweed.

HAZARDS: beware of semi-outcropping rocks in the NORTH-NORTHEAST area of ​​the bay

dinghy anchors Torre del Saevo
dinghy rental Torre del Saevo

Maimoni e Is Arutas

ANCHORING AREAS (FORBIDDEN to anchor on Posidonia)

The area (39-42) is recommended with sea and winds coming from EASTERN quadrants and not recommended with sea coming from WESTERN quadrants.

SEABED: mix of rock, seaweed and sand

Navigation hazards: none

Maimoni and Is Arutas dinghy anchorages
dinghy rental Maimoni and Is Arutas

Mal di Ventre island Est side


Area (14-17) is recommended with sea and wind from WESTERN quadrants, area (18-21) is recommended with sea formed from WEST-NORTHWEST and wind from NORTH-WESTERN quadrants.

Both areas are not recommended with SOUTHERN sea and wind.

Seabed: rocks, seaweed and sand

Dangers for navigation: there are many rocks outcropping near land and in the NORTH-EAST area

dinghy anchors on the island of Mal di Ventre
dinghy rental on the island of Mal di Ventre